“Beauty is a combination of qualities that gives pleasure to the senses and to the mind.” – American Heritage Dictionary “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” – An old proverb When defining beauty, scientist and poets contradict each other. The concept of beauty remains mysterious and
The friendly sun. It gives us light and warmth, and helps our bodies to synthesize Vitamin D. It also gives us a bonus we can well do without: ultra-violet damage that causes our skins to age, plays havoc with our immune system and, in unfortunate cases, even leads
The Wisdom of Ayurveda Researches have been going on for centuries, and shops are flooded with market-driven ideas about creams and gels to make you young. But no-one has yet found the formula of eternal youth. Perhaps it is time to look for the answer in ancient wisdom.
Aloe Vera has been used by mankind for several thousand years. Over the centuries there have been references to Aloe Vera from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, as well as in Indian and Chinese literature. Famous physicians of the past – including Galen, the father of modern