Aloe Vera has been used by mankind for several thousand years. Over the centuries there have been references to Aloe Vera from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, as well as in Indian and Chinese literature. Famous physicians of the past – including Galen, the father of modern medicine – used Aloe Vera as part of their treatment. It is said that the queens of ancient Egypt used it for its beautifying properties.
Alexander the Great was facing a problem. His armies were marching ahead conquering lands and defeating kingdoms. No force could stand their might except one: the force of sickness and disease. His army was passing through swampy marshals, deserts, forests and tropical lands. The men were suffering with sunburn, itching, insect bites and stings, stomach aches and fevers. Medical supplies were sparse and medicine men were difficult to find. To resolve the problem, as always, he went on to seek the counsel of his mentor, Aristotle.
“Alex, send your men to the island of Socorro in the Indian Ocean. There they will find a green cactus-like plant, succulent with jelly. This jelly has wonderful healing properties; the inhabitants of the island are well aware of them. In this plant, your men will find the solution to most of their health problems,” advised Aristotle to Alexander.
The island of Socorro was invaded and Alexander’s me carried the magical Aloe Vera plant on their conquests of distant lands.
What is this multi-purpose gel?
Aloe Vera has been used by medicine men for a very long time. Its healing properties were mentioned in Rig Veda, on ancient Sumerian clay tablets, and in Greek medical texts. Aloe Vera is cactus-like in appearance but actually belongs to the lily family. Today it is a subject of intense research. Rich in vitamin A, B, E and 18 amino acids, it contains over 75 known substances. It is so complex that its exact composition is not fully analysed even today.
It is a sturdy survivor and can be grown in most weather conditions. That’s why man has been able to carry it from one country to another. Aloe Vera gel greatly helps in the healing of ulcers, burns, herpes, itching associated with insect bites and stings. It prevents scarring, cleanses and improves the appearance of skin, protects against sunburn, heals wounds and prevents infection. It’s an amazing natural moisturizer and heals many skin problems like eczema and acne. Taken orally under the guidance of herbalist it can boost the immune system and treat the digestive system.
It is said that this lily had a prominent place in the royal gardens of Cleopatra.
This magical plant grows everywhere and is easily available to unleash its magic on our bodies. Enjoy this wonderful gift of nature.